Madagascar Telephone Directory

Trace Madagascar Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 122 Madagascar Businesses on Pincode 201. Madagascar has a population of 26,262,810 and there are thousands of businesses in Madagascar whose numbers are available for Madagascar Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Madagascar Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 122 businesses number on pincode 201 in Madagascar.

Cell Number Business Name
261333795406 kartiffa hotel
261324238436 Sakalava Lodge
261202233623 Black Lemur Camp
261324047069 Varatraza Wind Riders
261320487460 MEVA STYLE
261208222643 Marche de Madahoufi (MArch� DArougar HOussen FIdaly)
261320505214 Radio Jupiter
261328013910 Abakao Bungalow & Restaurant
261336755544 L'hippocampo Club Tulear
261344657785 Ocean Lodge Kite & Windsurf
261320577799 Le royal Sakalava
261325821699 Kite Aliz� - Centre Kitesurf & Windsurf | MADAGASCAR
261340746500 H�tel Ampefy Lodge
261320472446 Jungle Lodge & Park
261202233623 Black Lemur Camp
261326445782 Hotel De La Baie
261324047069 Varatraza Wind Riders
261322742793 SUeGIU
261340311421 le patio diego
261320320111 Office du tourisme
261324801252 MadaScaph
261330619465 Les H�rons Vontovorona
261320771974 HOTEL CAREVA
261320512965 LE TROU NORMAND
261336755544 L'hippocampo Club Tulear
Cell Number Business Name
261326240263 Hotel Les Paillottes de Babaomby
261325821699 Madakitecamp
261348207346 Meva Plage
261320759775 Kikoo annexes
261322742831 H�tel Restaurant Le Manguier
261324007117 Residence Kathyly
261349984652 Emeraude Lodge
261327311577 Net-Fy Diego
261327672392 La cabane gourmande
261330619465 Les H�rons Vontovorona
261328308361 Eco Lodge Les Chambres Du Voyageur
261324088143 Grand Hotel
261320712548 La Note Bleue Park Hotel
261333795406 kartiffa hotel
261325821699 Kite Aliz� - Centre Kitesurf & Windsurf | MADAGASCAR
261322742793 SUeGIU
261324238436 Sakalava Lodge
261320577799 Le royal Sakalava
261320320111 Office du tourisme
261320230678 H�tel Le Village Diego
261320707660 Gedimat Maraj sarl
261202233623 Black Lemur Camp
261324801252 MadaScaph
261342250731 Ocean Lodge Kite & Windsurf



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Madagascar like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Madagascar Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 0.2715